Global Configuration Reference

The smallweb configuration can be defined in a smallweb.json[c] file at the root of the project. This config file is optional, and sensible defaults are used when it is not present.

A json schema for the config file is available here.

You can set it using a $schema field in your smallweb.json[c] file:

  "$schema": "",

VS Code users can also set it globally in their settings.json:

  "json.schemas": [
      "url": "",
      "fileMatch": [

Available Fields


The entrypoint field defines the file to serve. If this field is not provided, the app will look for a main.[js,ts,jsx,tsx] file in the root directory.


The root field defines the root directory of the app. If this field is not provided, the app will use the app directory as the root directory.


If the private field is set to true, the app will ask for your admin username and password before serving the app using basic auth.


If you only want to protect a subset of routes, you can use the privateRoutes field. This field is an array of routes that require authentication.

  "privateRoutes": [


If you want to make a subset of routes public, you can use the publicRoutes field. This field is an array of routes that do not require authentication.

  "private": true,
  "publicRoutes": [


The crons field defines a list of cron jobs to run. See the Cron Jobs guide for more information.

  "crons": [
      "name": "daily-task", // The name of the cron task (required)
      "description": "A daily task", // A description for the task (optional)
      "schedule": "0 0 * * *", // a cron expression (required)
      "args": [] // arguments to pass to the task (required)